
Total Ghana Ltd goes on the road with the Total Quartz Edutour

16 locations across 7 towns and cities in Ghana, and hundreds of eager participants all came together to complete a successful run of the 2018 Total Ghana Ltd Quartz Edutour. Before the idea for the campaign was birthed, we at Adams 360 asked, what’s the best way to introduce a lubricant on the market and ensure it gets noticed? Putting it in the hands of the people whose opinions on cars are trusted the most—local mechanics, fitters and resellers.

The campaign was designed to spread the word about the new range of Total Quartz Lubricants within this community, educating and informing them about the product and why it should be recommended to their customers.

An education tour bus visited clusters, where mechanics and fitters were situated in their numbers. And from training sessions to bursts of entertainment such as skits and local cultural dances, the tour bus made sure to leave each target location more informed and better equipped than ever before, and also gave each participant service toolkits containing overalls, gloves, bonnet covers and tools.

The Total Edutour started in Kumasi and checked off every assigned location, concluding with a final ‘mega’ session in Accra. The event’s main success came from the participants themselves as their welcoming and enthusiastic approach to each session, led to an engaging program that left all attendees fully prepared to educate their customers about the Total Quartz range of lubricants.


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