
Probably Not The Time To Be As Productive

Even with a global pandemic going on, Creatives and non-creatives alike are in full time work mode.  lingering in the background, however, is a mix mash of feelings ranging from anxiety to worry.

And yet, there is a rising demand for people to use their ‘free time’ to buff up their resume and learn new tricks to make them invincible on the job market; even start a side hustle.

So many expectations but we ask, is this the time?

Ever heard of an old fire safety lesson that went STOP, DROP & ROLL? While this particular lesson is no longer taught in schools, the philosophy feels very right for now.

Why? Well because:

1. We should really STOP putting extra pressure to be even more creative now that we are home. STOP pushing strict timelines and deadlines to meet because there’s seemingly more time. Many of us are still getting used to remote work while juggling it with homeschooling kids, working across different time zones, or wondering if our companies can sustain the economic pitfalls from the pandemic, however long it lasts. So stop. The world is at a standstill. We are also allowed to be.

2. Why not DROP the extra weight of to-do lists and newly created schedules? The best kind of productivity is one that is backed by a calm and sound mindset, and for many of us, it’s quite difficult right now. If you are actually thriving during this period and work is keeping you sane, that’s amazing and we wish you well. If you are not, then DROP as much weight as needed, work and creative endeavor-wise, so you can thrive as best as you can.

3. And maybe just ROLL into the creative work. Rather than force yourself to come up with the next big innovative idea or try to push through next quarter’s KPIs in one week, let the pace of your creative energy be the guide. Sparks of inspiration come at the strangest times and we are certainly in one of the strangest. 

While you may still have to maintain your regular work schedule and keep up the same levels of productivity, let’s not fall into the cycle of piling on the pressure to do more and become more. 

And for you new remote workers, you may be in for the long haul and it’s probably for the best. Don’t believe us? Read this.   


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